Use this series to re-establish a healthy bedtime ritual that will set the stage for relaxation, reflection and awareness. The perfect ingredients for deep sleep, restoration and prolonged health. Learn techniques to unlock unconscious patterns of tension within your body bringing you back to homeostasis and out of fight or flight. In just 3 nights, you'll notice a difference your ability to detect underlying tension resulting in increased presence and rejuvenation. Use directly before bed or anytime you need calm and clarity. Series will include: restorative postures and sound, meditation and tapping amongst other energy practices weaved into practice. Suitable for all levels. Use your discretion when practicing about what feels good and works for your body. We start July 15, 2024! If you like my teaching and need something more vigorous, you can find my 28 day challenge on YouTube - Kick My Asana or my most recent 7 Day Booty Boot Camp Yoga Style
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