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Unshakable Intuition - How I made it through a global mindf*ck with my intuition higher than ever

Tue, Jan 31


Online Virtual Event Through Zoom

In this half day workshop, I walk you through the foundation of building Unshakeable Intuition - the kind that doesn’t seek an explanation or a validation. When you practice these basic principles of intuition, you won’t ever second guess yourself again. Workshop will run between 2-3 Hours.

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Unshakable Intuition - How I made it through a global mindf*ck with my intuition higher than ever
Unshakable Intuition - How I made it through a global mindf*ck with my intuition higher than ever

Time & Location

Jan 31, 2023, 9:00 a.m. MST

Online Virtual Event Through Zoom

About the Event

In this live 3ish hour event, I'll take you through the construction of consciousness and how what state of mind you're in, influences the way you hear your intuition. 


You'll be given questions to start your own internal inquiry of connecting your heart to your mind and bringing your connection to Source back home, you are the only one that knows what it sounds and feels like. 


How you grew up, what you've witnessed and the stories you've made up around these experiences have formed your beliefs. Your beliefs are what are programmed and what you have been operating from since childhood. These are believed as true without a second thought because they are so embedded in you, you are them and they are you. But, this isn't how it has to be. You have the ability to reshape your beliefs and create a life that you have never experienced before if you awaken to your programming. 


Intuition doesn't give af about your programming. It isn't reacting from past experiences and replaying them over and over. Learning how to separate and see your beliefs helps you to see if they are influencing your connection to inner wisdom or if what you're getting is the real deal. 

We'll also debunk some myths about intuition (like, if you you listen your life will be easy - nothing is easy, and that right there, is a belief that you have to earn the right to an easy life...)

Bring your computer, pen and journal to a quiet, comfy space to join me in this deep teaching of how to create confidence in your intuition on January 31st at 9am MT time. 

xx Mel

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