About Us
Unsure of You Path
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Welcome Sister
Learn how to trust your intuition and inner guidance beyond the limiting beliefs, self doubt and fear.
Make taking care of yourself a ritual and celebration as a woman who holds so much space for others, as well as yourself.
Become a lighthouse for others to awaken to their sovereign beauty, love and Spirit. Honor your inner Priestess, healer, and teacher.
Connect with like-minded sisters, on the same path of service and love - in support and reverence for one another.
Gather with us, so that we can help each other elevate once again into our feminine embodiment, gentle strength and incredible gifts.
Training for Soul Seekers
a mentorship-based teacher training, designed to elevate your understanding of nidra, create a relationship with your inner voice, and free yourself from repetitive patterning by healing out of date subconscious programming
Welcome yourself home
Reduce anxiety
Improve memory
Breakthrough personality constructs
Heal through all layers of self
This practice is life altering and has the potential for true alchemy to those who are committed.
This is for you if you're tired of chasing your tail trying to manifest a reality that is out of sync with your inner world.
Life altering. Truly.
If you are a yoga teacher - YA certified for 45 contact hours of CE
Where Spirituality Meets Energetics
Become A light worker
These trainings are here to remind you that this work
and this teaching are valid and needed
This is meant to change your life and shift the perspective of this work
he world needs you to feel this way
The world needs more people who KNOW, UNDERSTAND and EMBRACE gifts like yours
This world needs humans who COURAGEOUSLY own who they are