Welcome Sister
Priestess Path
Because you've arrived here, I know that we are walking the same path and doing the same work to heal the conditioned wounds that keep us separate from each other
And, at times, even fear each other
We want our experiences with women to be different
We want what our ancestors had
We want community and connection to the divine
We know there is so much hidden in isolation waiting to be alchemized with a Sisterhood
To this page, and to where you are in this exact moment
No matter what you do or the roles you're playing, there is something bigger that's unfolding within you
The longing that you've been feeling to learn, gather and heal, is the magic that's guiding your every step, decision and choice
What am I talking about?
Your path as a Priestess
A sacred space-holder
And a keeper of wisdom
It's very likely that you have already walked this path before, in many, many lifetimes, and are returning, in this life,
to reclaim your seat as
What is a Priestess?
She comes in so many forms
The way that she serves is unique to only her, and the way she channels the divine
She is a space-holder
She is a bridge between the magical and mundane, the seen and unseen
She creates movement based on the ripples of her being
She is intentional in all that she does
She knows the power of her thoughts, emotions and behaviors
She is empowered, rising above hurt, shame and persecution
She embodies the feminine and holds space alongside the masculine
Duality is her nature
She is a paradox of wonder and wisdom
She believes
As above, so below. As within, so without
Women who have chosen to walk the Priestess Path, have answered a deep inner calling that requires soft strength, integrity and true dedication
Not Everyone Gets All Of You. You Are A Privilege
What is the Priestess Path?
A 10 month feminine embodiment program that closes with the opportunity to take your Vows as a Priestess
A series of rituals, ceremonies and initiations guiding you towards your reclamation of sovereign strength, and a loving connection with this life
Deep dive into the ancient wisdom and sacred teachings of those who came before us walking the path of beauty, love and Spirit
Become attuned with all energies - nature and the elements, and learn how to use the innate wisdom of nature as a compass
Join in sacred circle, to uncover the deeper meaning of your existence and to serve as an embodiment of love to our Great Mother Earth and those who are still to come
This program serves as a container for the channeled wisdom that accelerates self-healing, spiritual expansion, and as a training for facilitators called to share this path with others
It's an opportunity to connect with like-minded sisters, on the same path of service and love - in support and reverence for one another
When given the opportunity and safe space to show up exactly as we are, with no need to hide, feel shame, or move into the shadows, amazing healing occurs.
When we are witnessed through our most vulnerable moments, and witness these in return, a transformation that is nothing short of alchemy takes place. This has been my experience with every circle I have shared space within, and it is my intention to hold that same space for you. A space where you are held, seen and supported, in whatever stage of growth you are in
This is the Priestess Sisterhood
A Priestess is a Women who helps other connect to the Divine so they can heal and/or actualize their souls unique path
- Dara Mckinley
You're Invited
To step into service of your highest Self, the one that knows she is a Priestess
To embrace your power, strength, softness and grace
To make taking care of yourself a ritual and celebration as a woman who holds so much space for others, as well as yourself
To become a lighthouse for others to awaken to their sovereign beauty, love and Spirit
To honor your inner Priestess, healer, and teacher
To learn how to trust your intuition and inner guidance beyond the limiting beliefs, self doubt and fear
A self-aware women is something to fear; she will speak the truth and make you see your own.
This is The Call To
A sisterhood brings with it a rise in courage
The courage to fully arrive with your vulnerable, soft heart beating
It invokes the brave within us to discover our natural gifts and to share what they are with others
A sisterhood invites you to step into service of yourself, your sisters and your community, with the full alignment of your heart
This is the place we go to open our hearts, to receive the perfection of who we already are, and the fearlessness to step into the flow of our own river
We gather to honor the sacred feminine within and from that flow of energy, what is needed magically falls into place
Releasing the patriarchal desire to achieve, complete and accomplish for love
We find grace, ease and flow from the feminine in its purest form, the sensual, the sacred, the river
This is about harnessing our own natural flow of energy, and following the truths that arise, leading us towards a life full of abundance, alignment and ease
Melanie Dawn
In the first part of 2021, I began to experience vivid dreams.
Dreams filled with insight and intelligence that I had no way of logically knowing. It seemed like each question I asked during my waking life, was answered immediately in dream space.
I had been asking the Universe to guide me towards a whole and rounded teaching that I could offer. One that would allow me to include everything I have learned throughout my life.
Through a series of dreams, The Priestess Path was born. It started out as a vision during my awake state, the word Priestess being seen or heard every day until I had my answer in my dreams.
The last dream I had about being a Priestess was, upon awakening, while in a state known as "hypnogogia", I heard "Priestess, look up the word Priestess. You'll have your answer."
I can honestly say, to this day, I have not been able to find that definition again. The one that described my life, my intentions, my Spirit, in the way that those words did. I knew in that moment, that this was the teaching. This was what I had been calling in.
I sat with the idea inside my heart
I let it percolate, I allowed the thoughts of unworthiness to bubble up, and all I kept hearing was, "this is it, this is the one"
Would I have called myself a Priestess before reading that elusive definition? No
But, I truly believe I found myself through that definition
I finally felt like I belonged, like I could sum up the power of the gifts I hold with this one word. A word that people know through vibration, even if they don't know it logically
I think the definition that I found that night, the one that disappeared, was only for me
I think if it's your path, like it is mine, you'll find your own definition and carve out your own meaning to your life, and she, The Priestess, gives you the power to do that
I think this is why I was called here
To gather those of you who are looking for me, for us, so that we can help each other elevate once again into our feminine embodiment, gentle strength and incredible gifts
This is The Priestess Path
“She is a Wild, tangled forest with temples and treasures concealed within.”
― John Mark Green
Join the Priestess Path
There is something special about being part of a birth
Each Sisterhood has it's own unique energy
Everyone that joins, will be birthing and creating the new vibration
From our own unique experience, the web will be spun, and set in motion the future of The Priestess Path
This is a gift and opportunity to be part of a collective.
To shape the sacred container with your own unique energy and create ripples across time as this teaching is taught again, and again
I am incredibly honored to hold space for you all as you arrive, if you need financial support, there are payment plans available, and a scholarship.
The Sisterhood Begins
The Sisterhood of The Priestess Path is currently on pause. See below for for my current sisterhood, empowerment offerings.
As we pause momentarily on the Priestess Path to embrace the emergence of new sisterhood offerings. Amidst this sacred pause, a shimmering opportunity awaits those who yearn for the transformative essence of the Priestess Path.
Welcoming you to the realm of the Bliss State Retreats, where mysticism intertwines with empowerment, and healing embraces the soul's deepest desires. Envision yourself enveloped in the gentle embrace of sisterhood, united in ceremony and ritual under the expansive canopy of possibility.
Within the sanctuary of these mystical retreats, immerse yourself in the sacred art of ceremony, where every moment is infused with potent magic. Allow the whispers of ancient wisdom to guide you as you traverse the sacred landscapes of your innermost being.
Step into a realm where empowerment reigns supreme, where each soul is adorned with the radiant light of self-realization. Here, amidst the tapestry of shared experiences, discover the limitless potential that resides within.
Embrace the call of the Priestess Path reborn, where sisterhood, ceremony, ritual, empowerment, and healing converge in a symphony of celestial proportions. Prepare to be enchanted, uplifted, and forever transformed by the magic that awaits within the hallowed grounds of ABliss State Retreat.
What's Included:
Private Intuitive Guidance Sessions
During the 10 months, you have the option of booking 2 private intuitive guidance sessions with me.
In these sessions, we go into the subtle energy bodies and uncover core wounds, limiting beliefs and the medicine of your magic through goals and growth strategy
•Priestess curriculum•
•Wisdom of your Inner Priestess•
•Moon rituals•
•Self care study and practices•
•Local field trip (to be determined)•
•Guest Teachers•
•Private group to connect with your sisters•
•Vow ceremony•
•Insights and guidance from Astro advisor Shelley Duret•
What You'll Receive If You Really Show Up
•Art of Holding Space•
Enroll by April 15, 2024
Paid In Full $1555, Payment Plan $1777
Enroll by July 1, 2024
Paid In Full $1777, Payment Plan $1999
Enroll After July 1, 2024
Paid In Full $1999, Payment Plan $2222
A partial scholarship is available for women in need
Please inquire for application
Book a Time to Connect
If reading this has resonated with you, I invite you to book a free 30 minute call to explore if The Priestess Path is the right fit for you
In this call, we move through meditative inquiry, introspection and truth. This is the first of the many welcomes you'll receive if you become a part of the Sisterhood
With love she rises,
Bookings Available Starting April 3rd
You know that feeling when you just……know.
You know that person is a good person, with good intentions.
And, you know when you have an off feeling about someone, and it’s later proven to be true, but you don’t know what this is or how you know.
You just know.
The reason is really simple.
You’re reading their energetic biography. You may not fully understand how to translate the energetic biography into something that you can digest, but at the very least your innate knowing is letting you know that this person is safe, or not, among many other personal details
I used to be so afraid of the judgment that came with using the word “Healer”.
Healer holds a very loud charge for those that haven’t fully embodied their own inner healer, and it turns into a sore spot for many (as seen across social media platforms everywhere ;)
I was one of them.
In my Reiki and Priestess trainings, I cringed at using the term “healer”. This was to become part of my path - it was an initiation I had to take.
When sitting tall in the seat of inner-critic, we work really hard to keep ourselves separate from Source, and we also work really hard to make sure others aren’t comfortable with their gifts, too.
To see someone boldly embodying the title Healer, can be a little more than jarring for those of us that know we are, but still have an inner war going on.